For a whole year the town of Calais in France was besieged by the English who had lost many troops during the siege. Starvation finally forced the French to consider giving up but the English King, Edward III, would not accept their surrender unless six citizens of Calais came before him bare-headed, bare-footed, dressed in rough shirts and each with a halter about his neck. The entire population prayed to Our Mother of Calais which had been damaged during the war. This shrine had been built by the English while they had possessed that city, of which they had been masters for 210 years. No one wanted to give his life in such a manner. Finally, a nobleman stepped forward and offered his head as a ransom to the English king so that the city of Calais should be spared. Five others then volunteered, all dressed as the king had demanded. When they stood before the irate king he angrily r...