In October of 1717, Dom Pedro de Almedida, travelled from Sao Paulo to Minas Gerais. During his journey, he passed through a small city in the Paraiba river valley.
During his time there, the local people had decided to put together a great party that would require an incredible number of fish.
Gathered together were three fishermen who had a special devotion to Our Mother of the Immaculate Conception. Prior to fishing,
all three men plead to God that they would be blessed with more than enough fish. At that time, one of the men got on his knees swiftly and prayed saying,
“Mother of God and our Mother; we need to find fish!” To their amazement, they hauled in the body of a statue, as well as the statue’s head. After cleaning the statue,
they discovered that it was Our Mother of the Immaculate Conception. They named the statue Our Mother of Aparecida.
They wrapped a statue they had found in cloth and continued to fish. All of a sudden, through the grace of God, their nets were full. Pope John Paul II, during his pontificate,
blessed the shrine that was dedicated to Our Mother of Aparecida in 1980.
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