S NORBERT (1080-1134)
Norbert was born in Germany and he was good while a child and teenager. Then at the court of Emperor Henry V, Norbert spent all his time on frivolous things.
He thought only of acquiring positions of honour. One day, however, he was frightened by a flash of lightning. His horse bolted. Norbert was thrown to the ground and knocked
unconscious. When he woke, he began to think seriously about the way his life was going. Norbert realized that the Lord was offering him the grace to change for the better.
Gradually, he went back to the idea of becoming a Priest. He gave a good example by selling all he had to give the money to the poor.
Norbert became the founder of a congregation for the spreading of the faith. They are also called Norbertines, after their founder. Norbert was chosen Bishop of the city of Magdeburg.
Norbert had to combat a heresy which denied that Jesus was really present in the Holy Eucharist. His beautiful words about Our Lord's
presence in the Blessed Sacrament brought the people back to their holy faith. When he died, Pope Gregory XIII proclaimed him a saint in 1582.
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